Strength & Power Program Day 1 A1 Back Squat 3 @ 70% 3 @ 80% 3+ @ 90% AMRAP @ 70% B1) Bulgarian Split Squat 3 X 10 B2) T-Bar Row 3 X 10...

Hypertrophy Program Day 1 - Chest & Shoulders Bench Press - 10x10 (Rest 90) BB Strict Press - 5x10 (Rest 90) Inc DB Bench Press - 3x8-12...

CLASSES RETURN TO TORIAN 15 JUNE. We're excited to announce that TORIAN will be reopening with our regular CrossFit schedule...

New Strength Cycle Starts Tomorrow! 💪🏽
Our Autumn strength cycle will incorporate the Wendler 531 program, along with some secondary accessory work. The program has a high...

The TORIAN Tribe Has Spoken! 🔥
Thank you for your feedback via our Members survey! We’ve had a great range of comments and suggestions to help us better understand the...

Getting the most out of our Open Gym
Q. Can I use the gym outside of regular classes? A. Yes. The gym is open all day from early morning until late at night. Q. Can I perform...

How to get the most out of your TORIAN membership!
1. Be consistent. More than anything else, consistency is the key to long term success. It is much better to “under train” consistently...

WOD - Sat 5th October
Torian CrossFit A) “Jenny” AMRAP in 20: 20 Overhead squats 20/15 20 Back squats 20/15 400m Run *At 20:00 B) Find a 1RM weighted Chest to...

WOD - Fri 4th October
Torian CrossFit “Open workout 14.4” AMRAP in 14: 60 cal Row 50 Toes to bar 40 Wall balls 9/6 (10/9’) 30 Power cleans 62.5/42.5 20...

WOD - Thurs 3rd October
Torian CrossFit Team of 3 24 Rounds for time: 10 Bench press 70/45 100’ Sandbag front carry 150/100# *Go round for round with partners...