WOD - Thurs 19th September
Torian CrossFit A) For time: 50 Strict pull-ups *Every break perform 5 Bench press 85/55 [15:00 Cap] B) For time: 50 Bench press...

WOD - Wed 18th September
Torian CrossFit A) E5MOM for 25: 2 Sets: 10 Toes to bar 5 Deadlifts 125/75 B) Echo bike test: Max cals in :45 Torian Strength See Wodify App

WOD - Tues 17th September
Torian CrossFit A) Work to a heavy 5: Front squat [18:00 Cap] Score as Weightlifting: Front squat 1x5 B) AMRAP in 12: 3-6-9-12-15 etc…...

WOD - Mon 16th September
Torian CrossFit For time: 1000/800m Row OR 2000/1800m Bike erg 50 Wall balls 9/6 (10’) 100 Double unders 25 Power clean and jerk...

WOD - Sat 14th September
First Lieutenant Travis Manion, 26, of Doylestown, Pennsylvania, assigned to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine...

WOD - Fri 13th September
Torian CrossFit 3 Rounds each for time: 12-9-6 Burpee pull-ups 150’ Sandbag front carry b/t each set *New round every 10:00 Torian...

WOD - Thurs 12th September
Torian CrossFit Team of 3 4 Rounds for time: 90/70 cal Bike/Row 90 Bench press 62.5/42.5 *Split reps as needed [30:00 Cap]

WOD - Wed 11th September
Torian CrossFit For time: 50 Deadlifts 70/45 50 Box jump overs 24/20” 50 Pull-ups 30 Power cleans 70/47.5 30 Lateral bar burpees 30 Ring...

WOD - Tues 10th September
Torian CrossFit A) E2MOM for 20: 3 Push press *Build weight across **From the rack B) For time: 50 Wall balls 9/6 (10’) 50/40 cal...

WOD - Mon 9th September
Torian CrossFit A) Back rack lunge 5x10 *Step back lunges, alt legs each rep [15:00 Cap] B) For time: 100 Toes to bar *Every break...