WOD - Sat 20th Jan
Metcon A) AMRAP in 3: 20/15 cal Row 30 Box jump 24/20” 40 Alt DB snatch 20/15 50 Burpees -Rest 3:00- B) AMRAP in 5: 20/15 cal Row 30 Box...

WOD - Fri 19th Jan
Metcon Team of 3: AMRAP in 35: 200m Run Max rep Bench press @BW 200m Run Max rep Muscle-up *Run as a team, then each team member takes a...

WOD - Thurs 18th Jan
Strength E2MOM for 20: 5 Deadlift + 3 Power clean + 1 Hang clean *Build to heavy, not TnG. Full squat on hang clean. Metcon 3 Rounds for...

WOD - Wed 17th Jan
Metcon For time: 5 rounds of: 7 Thrusters 35/25 7 Bar facing burpees -Rest 2:00- 5 Rounds of: 9 Thrusters 35/25 9 Chest to bar pull-ups...

WOD -Tues 16th Jan
Strength EMOM for 15: 3 Snatch *Perform 1 rep every :20 Metcon 3 Rounds for time: 25 Wall balls 9/6 10’ 1 Legless rope climb 15’ 50...

WOD - Mon 15th Jan
Metcon “Open Workout 17.2” AMRAP in 12: 2 rounds of: 50-ft. weighted walking lunge 16 toes-to-bars 8 power cleans Then, 2 rounds of:...

Meet the Members – Anastasia Caris
This month on ‘Meet the Members’ we’ve got Anastasia Caris! Anastasia has been a tremendous asset to the Torian community since she first...

2018 CrossFit Open
Yes, it’s almost that time of the year! If you’re after a great challenge, the CrossFit Open is a global online fitness competition for...

CrossFit Torian Voted “Best Venue for 2017”
In December, CrossFit Torian was voted “Best Venue for 2017”! Check out the full write up below. “What makes an incredible fitness space?...