WOD - Mon 10th June
Torian CrossFit “Klepto” 4 Rounds for time: 27 Box jumps 24”(20”) 20 Burpees 11 Squat cleans 65(45) [27:00 Cap] Torian Strength A1) Back...

WOD - Fri 17th August
Torian CrossFit A) Work to a heavy 3 Position clean (Mid-thigh, knee, floor) B) 15-12-9 reps for time: Squat cleans 70/47.5kg Strict ring...

WOD - Mon 7th May
“Partner Badger” 4 Rounds for time: 30 Squat cleans 42.5/30 30 Pull-ups 800m Run *Partition the reps as required, run together