WOD - Mon 27th August
Torian CrossFit EMOM for 32: 1st - 21 Wall balls 9/6 (10ft) 2nd - 18/14 cal Row 3rd - 15 Parallette facing burpees 4th - Rest 5th - 21...
WOD - Tues 21st August
Torian CrossFit “Partner Holleyman” In teams of 2 30 Rounds for time: 5 Wall balls 9/6 (10ft) 3 Handstand push-ups 1 Power clean 102.5/65...
WOD - Mon 6th August
Testing Week 📈 Our 8 week winter strength cycle has now come to an end and it’s time to test how much stronger everyone has gotten over...
WOD - Wed 11th July
“Open Workout 11.5” AMRAP in 20: 5 Power cleans 65/45 10 Toes to bar 15 Wall balls 9/6 (10/9’)
WOD - Wed 27th June
10 Rounds for time: 15 Wall balls 9/6 (10’) 10 Burpee box jumps 24/20” 5 Thrusters 52.5/35 1 Legless rope climb 15’ [30:00 Cap]
WOD - Mon 18th June
A) Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3-10-10 @75-80-80-80-85-65-65% [30:00 Cap] B) Teams of 2 For time: 100 Wall balls 9/6 (10’) *Partner hold 150/100#...
WOD - Wed 13th June
3 Rounds for time: 21 Deadlifts 62.5/42.5 21 Wall balls 9/6 (10’) 15 Power cleans 62.5/42.5 15 Box jumps 24/20” 9 Power snatches...
WOD - Tues 5th June
For time: 1000m Row 80 Wall balls 9/6 (10’) 60 Lat bar burpees 40 Pull-ups 20 Shoulder to overhead 62.5/42.5 10 Rope climbs 15’ [25:00 Cap]
WOD - Wed, 21st March
For time: 1000m Row OR 2000m Bike 80 Wall balls 9/6 10’ 60 Hang power cleans 62.5/42.5 40 Chest to bar pull-ups [20 min cap]
WOD - Tues, 13th March
A) For time: 2km Row B) For time: 40 Wall balls 9/6 20 Power snatch 62.5/42.5 [5 min cap]