WOD - Wed 31st Jan
METCON: EMOM for 30:
1st - 15/12 cal Row
2nd - 3 Front squats 92.5/62.5 + 12 Box jump overs 24/20”
3rd - 50’ Sled push 50/30
*Use racks for front squat
5 Rounds for time:
10 Hang power snatch 42.5/30
1 Rope climb 15’
Every :45 for 10 rounds:
10m Handstand walk
*Scale as needed or perform 5-10 reps of a progression
Work to a heavy complex: 1 Power snatch + 1 Hang power snatch
For time:
15 Thrusters 42.5/30
30 cal Assault bike
15 Thrusters 42.5/30
[5 min cap]