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WOD - Sat 17th Feb

“Something for Kate & Our Girls” #YTG

As an entire class:

For time:

35km Row

[25 min cap]

*In support of Kate who is 35 years young.

*Each Rower in the room must display 4,375m to finish.




10 Toes to bar

250m Run

18 Deadlift 70/45


10 Toes to bar

250m Run

18 Box jumps 24/20”

An intentionally confusing style of AMRAP where you must alternate between the two workouts on each round -- In support of a confusing and frustrating time in Kate’s life, that she handled in her stride without so much as a “poor me” or complaint. The rep scheme mirrors the date of Kate commencing her first round of chemo. (Jan-25th-2018).

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