WOD - Mon 6th August

Testing Week 📈
Our 8 week winter strength cycle has now come to an end and it’s time to test how much stronger everyone has gotten over the course of the program, so please come in to the gym this week prepared both physically and mentally.
When preparing to hit a lifetime 1 Rep max, an athlete needs to be deliberate in approach, considering all factors within their control in the lead up to the test, thus ensuring them the absolute best chance of success.
See below for some Pro tips on how to give yourself the best chance possible to capitalise on the last 8 weeks of work and ensure you hit some PR’s this week.
Pro Tips:
1. Rest today and take it easy 2. Eat well tonight and drink plenty of water 3. Get 8 hours sleep 4. Fuel your body with a small, energy dense snack an hour before you arrive at the gym 5. Come in and warm up early on a rower / bike 6. Get mobile, focusing on hips and ankles 7. Calculate your weights ahead of time for each and every set that you’ll hit in your warm up, and make sure you write them down 8. Come in fired up and ready to dominate your old 1 rep max
Warm-up Strategy:
8 @ 50% - rest 2 minutes 5 @ 60% - rest 2 minutes 3 @ 70% - rest 3 minutes 1 @ 80% - rest 3 minutes 1 @ 90% - rest 5 minutes 1 @ 95% - rest 5 minutes 1 @ 102-5% - rest 5 minutes 1 @ 105-107%

A) 1RM Back squat B) In 5 minutes: Row / Ski 1000 / 800m Max rep wall balls 9/6kg 10ft