WOD - Fri 24th August

Torian CrossFit
Every :90 for 15:
1 Hang power clean + 2 Front squats + 1 Jerk (any)
*Start at 40% of your front squat and increase by 5/2.5kg every :90
3 Rounds for time:
15 Thrusters 42.5/30
20m D-Ball front carry 150/100#
[10:00 Cap]
Torian Strength
A1) Bench Press 8-8-8-5-5-5 @75, 75, 75, 80, 80, 80% A2) Plyo push-up 5 x 3 B1) Single arm DB press 4 x 12 B2) Single leg RDL 4 x 12