WOD - Wed 17th Oct
Torian Run
3km 5mins Rest. 2km
*Please keep an eye out on the members FB group for any changes due to weather
Torian CrossFit
EMOM for 30: 1. 10 Pull-ups + 30 Double unders 2. 15 Handstand push-ups 3. 20 Alt DB snatch 20/15 4. 25 Ab mat sit-ups 5. 30’ Handstand walk
Torian Strength A1) Deadlift 5, 5, 3, 3, 3 @ 80, 80, 82, 85, Max
A2) Single arm KB bottom up press 4 X 5 (slow / perfect)
B1) Split Squat, front foot elevated 4 X 10 (heavy / perfect) B2) Good Morning 4 X 10 (heavy / perfect)
Torian Run
3km 5mins Rest. 2km