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WOD - Sat 15th Dec

Torian Club Championships

Heats start at 6.20am - Please make sure you have booked a heat through your Wodify account

“10 Tests of Fitness” - RX One minute at each station for max reps of: 1. Coordination - Double Unders 2. Power - Clean & Jerk 62.5/42.5kg 3. Speed - Shuttle Run (10m) 4. Strength - Bench Press 80/50kg 5. Balance - Pistol Squats, alternating 6. Agility - Handstand Walk (meters) 7. Endurance - Pull ups 8. Stamina - Bike Erg (cals) 9. Flexibility - DB Overhead Squats 20/15kg 10. Accuracy - Target Burpees *30 seconds rest between each station

Masters (40+):

Clean & Jerk 52.5/35kg Bench press 70kg/40kg DB Overhead Squat 15/10kg

"10 Tests of Fitness" - Scaled

One minute at each station for max reps of:

1. Coordination - Double Unders or Single Unders 2. Power - Clean & Jerk 42.5/30kg 3. Speed - Shuttle Run (10m) 4. Strength - Bench Press 60/35kg 5. Balance - OH Walking Plate Lunges (meters) 6. Agility - Bear Crawl (meters) 7. Endurance - Jumping Pull ups 8. Stamina - Bike Erg (cals) 9. Flexibility - DB Overhead Squats 10/7kg 10. Accuracy - Target Burpees

Torian Gymnastics

Gymnastics Circuit

Torian Recovery: 9am

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