WOD - Fri 15th Feb
Torian CrossFit
A) Find a 1 RM of the complex: 1 Power snatch + 1 Squat snatch [15:00 Cap]
B) AMRAP in 8: 3 Power cleans 85/55 3 Toes to bar 3 Power cleans 85/55 6 Toes to bar 3 Power cleans 85/55 9 Toes to bar 6 Power cleans 85/55 12 Toes to bar 6 Power cleans 85/55 15 Toes to bar 6 Power cleans 85/55 18 Toes to bar 9 Power cleans 85/55 21 Toes to bar Etc…
Torian Strength
A1) Bench Press 5, 5, 5, 3, 1+ @ 75, 80, 85, 90, 95%
A2) Weighted Pull-up 4 x 10
B1) Weighted Dip 5 X 10
B2) Bent Over BB Row 4 X 10