WOD - Fri 10th May Torian CrossFit AMRAP in 7: 9 Power cleans 62.5/42.5 12 Box jumps 24/20”*Rest 3:00 AMRAP in 7: 7 Power clean and jerk 62.5/42.5 14 Box jumps 24/20”*Rest 3:00 AMRAP in 7: 5 Power snatch 62.5/42.5 16 Box jumps 24/20”
Torian CrossFit AMRAP in 7: 9 Power cleans 62.5/42.5 12 Box jumps 24/20”*Rest 3:00 AMRAP in 7: 7 Power clean and jerk 62.5/42.5 14 Box jumps 24/20”*Rest 3:00 AMRAP in 7: 5 Power snatch 62.5/42.5 16 Box jumps 24/20”