WOD - Fri 21st June
Torian CrossFit
Every :90 for 15:
3 Overhead squats
*From the ground, ascending weight across the 10 rounds
EMOM for 10:
5 Power snatch
*Touch and go, AHAP
AMRAP in 5:
10 Double DB snatch 2x15/2x10
10m Overhead walk 2x15/2x10
Torian Strength
A1) Incline Bench Press 5 X 6 A2) Trap Bar Deadlift 5 X 6 B1) Front Squat 5 X 6 B2) Pull Up 5 X Max C1) Dip 3 X Max C2) Standing DB Curl Alt. 3 x 10-15 D) Ab Rollouts 3 X 10-15