WOD - Fri 5th July
Torian CrossFit
Work to a heavy complex:
2 BTN split jerks + 3 Overhead squats
[15:00 Cap]
Beginners to work technique and mobility.
Score for Load
AMRAP in 2:
25 Overhead squats 42.5/30
50 Double unders
Max rep Toes to bar
*Rest 3:00
AMRAP in 2:
20 Overhead squats 52.5/35
50 Double unders
Max rep Toes to bar
*Rest 3:00
AMRAP in 2:
15 Overhead squats 62.5/42.5
50 Double unders
Max rep Toes to bar
Torian Strength
A) Max Dip Test B) 1RM Font Squat C1) Close Grip Bench Press 3 X 10-15 C2) DB Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 10-15 C3) Seal Row 3 X 10-15 D) Ab Rollouts 3 X 10-15