Getting the most out of our Open Gym
Q. Can I use the gym outside of regular classes? A. Yes. The gym is open all day from early morning until late at night.
Q. Can I perform the WOD outside of class times? A. Yes. Although it’s ideal to hit the WOD during scheduled class times so you have a coach guiding you, if you’re unable to make the classes on a given day you’re welcome to come in and get it done during Open Gym time.
Q. Can I come into the gym and do extra skill / strength work? A. Yes. Everyone is welcome to come in and practice skills or hit some strength work if they have areas they’re looking to improve.
Q. What about cardio? A. Sure! Members are welcome to come in and use all the gear as much as they want. Feel free to row, bike, ski, skip until your heart’s content!
Q. What’s the deal with Sundays? Can I come in and try my own workout? A. Absolutely. Sunday is funday! Just be sure to leave something in the tank for the week ahead.
Q. What’s the deal with the Red Zone, can anyone use it? A. Of course! The Red Zone is for everyone. If you want to head down the back to practice before / after class you’re more than welcome.
Q. I’m pretty experienced. Can I just follow my own program down the back by myself? A. No. Whilst we do encourage people to come in and do some extras, we do not allow people to follow a completely different outside program.
Q. Why not? A. Having been to CrossFit gyms all over the world, we know that the community feel at CrossFit Torian is something pretty special. You simply don’t find it most places.
One of the keys to this unique atmosphere is a shared daily struggle. Everyone is in it together. Training with a group of people every day and facing up to the same challenges is what bonds people together and builds community.
Over the years we’ve seen people forge true friendships, meet partners, get married, have kids, the list goes on. These connections have been born out of people being put through the same trials every day and coming out the other side stronger together.
This is why we believe training together every day is at the core of what makes our Torian community great. Training by yourself is no fun and usually leads to a loss of motivation and ultimately burn out.
Enjoy all the benefits of training with a group of awesome, like minded people. It really is the best part.
Q. I’m interested in competition. What’s the TPT all about? A. Have a chat with Mike or Royce to talk about the performance program and whether it’s right for you and your goals.
Final Thoughts...
Get in and use the gym as much as possible. Have fun with friends, play, and practice new skills.
If you have a particular area of improvement you’d like to focus on, don’t be afraid to ask a coach for some ideas and things to work on. We’re always here to help.
Torian Open Gym Hours
Monday: 5am - 8pm Tuesday: 5am - 8pm Wednesday: 5am - 8pm Thursday: 5am - 7pm Friday: 5am - 7pm Saturday: 6:30am - 10:30am Sunday: 9am - 5pm
View our full timetable here.