WOD - Thurs 2nd August
A) Handstand / Handstand walk technique B) Establish a max distance Handstand walk (3 attempts)

WOD - Thurs 5th July
A) Handstand walk and Toes to bar tech/skill B) EMOM for 10: 1st - :30 Max Handstand walk 2nd - :30 Max Toes to bar

WOD - Wed 30th May
“Big Fat Fortitude” EMOM for 32: 1st - 15/10 cal Row 2nd - 15 Burpees 3rd - 150m Shuttle run 4th - Rest 5th - 15/10 cal Ski 6th - 15 Toes...

WOD - Thurs 24th May
A) Handstand walk skill and tech B) EMOM for 8: 1st - 10 burpees 2nd - 20m Handstand walk *Add 2 burpees every round