WOD - Wed 29th August
Torian Run 3x1000m with 4mins rest. Meeting at the same place and we'll wrap by 6.50am for those who need to get back to the gym to...
WOD - Sat 21st July
In teams of 2: “Drag me to Helen” AMRAP in 25: 5 Rounds of: 400m Run 21 Handstand push-ups 12 Bar muscle-ups Then, Max reps Overhead...
WOD - Fri 29th June
A) Deadlift 4-4-4-3-3-3 @85-85-85-90-90-90% [25:00 Cap] B) 3 Rounds for Reps: AMRAP in 1: 15/10 cal Row Max rep Overhead squat 42.5/30...
WOD - Mon 28th May
A) Find a heavy single complex of: Clean + 2 Jerk (Any) [15:00 Cap] B) For time: 10 Shoulder press 15 Overhead squat 20 Push press 25...
WOD - Wed 23rd May
A) Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead squat 5x3(1+2) *Ascending weight [20 min cap] B) For time: 9-7-5 reps Power snatch Overhead squat *9 @...
WOD - Fri 18th May
Team of 3 For time: 75–50-25 reps: Overhead squat 42.5/30 Power snatch 42.5/30 Bench press 62.5/42.5 *E2MOM inc 0:00, 5 Strict pull-ups...