WOD - Sat, 31st March
3 Rounds for time: 800m Run 80 Air squats 8 Muscle-ups [30 min cap] Scale Muscle-ups to 2:1 Strict pull-up (band/ring row as needed)....

WOD - Fri, 30th March
A) For Load: 10-8-6-4-2 Bench Press [20 min cap] *Scored for total load across all 5 sets. Only successful sets count towards total. B)...

WOD - Thurs, 29th March
Teams of 3: 15 Rounds for time: 15/10 cal Row 10m Handstand walk 10 Chest to bar pull-ups *Alternate complete rounds between team mates....

WOD - Wed, 28th March
EMOM for 30: 1st - 15 Deadlift 62.5/42.5 2nd - 5 Clean and jerk 62.5/42.5 + 3 Bar muscle-up 3rd - Rest

WOD - Tues, 27th March
A) 3 RM Thruster *Use racks [15 min cap] B) AMRAP in 10: 10 Kettlebell swings 24/16 10 Push-ups 10 Box jumps 24/20”

WOD - Mon, 26th March
For time: 100 Double unders 27 Toes to bar 21 Lat bar burpees 15 Power cleans 85/55 100 Double unders 21 Toes to bar 15 Lat bar burpees 9...

WOD - Fri, 23rd March
Team of 3: AMRAP in 30: Row for distance (m) *Every time a team member gets off the rower perform 1 round of “Cindy” **May count metres...

WOD - Thurs, 22nd March
5 Rounds, each for reps: AMRAP in 2: 25 Power snatch 35/25 15 Handstand push-ups Max effort box jump overs 24/20” *Rest 3:00 b/t rounds

WOD - Wed, 21st March
For time: 1000m Row OR 2000m Bike 80 Wall balls 9/6 10’ 60 Hang power cleans 62.5/42.5 40 Chest to bar pull-ups [20 min cap]

WOD - Tues, 20th March
A) Bench Press 3x5 3x3 3x1 *Choose weight [25 min cap] B) AMRAP in 5: 3 D-Ball cleans 150/100# 20m D-Ball front carry 150/100# *10m out,...