WOD - Mon 27th August
Torian CrossFit EMOM for 32: 1st - 21 Wall balls 9/6 (10ft) 2nd - 18/14 cal Row 3rd - 15 Parallette facing burpees 4th - Rest 5th - 21...

WOD - Mon 13th August
Torian CrossFit 5 rounds, each for time: Row 500/400m 12 Deadlifts 85/55kg 21 Box jumps 24/20” Score equals slowest round. Torian Strength...

WOD - Mon 6th August
Testing Week 📈 Our 8 week winter strength cycle has now come to an end and it’s time to test how much stronger everyone has gotten over...

WOD - Mon 30th July
A) Back squat 5x3 @65-65-65-70-70% B) DB Fran 21-15-9 reps for time: DB Thrusters 20/15kgPull-ups [10:00 cap]

WOD - Mon 23rd July
A) Back squat 2-2-2-1-1-8-8 @80-85-90-95-95-65-65% [30:00 cap] B) 400m Farmers carry for time, 24/16kg kettlebells *Each time the...

WOD - Mon 16th July
A) Back squat 3-3-3-3-3-10-10 @80-80-80-80-85-65-65% [30:00 Cap] B) For quality: 3 attempts at a max L-hang *Record time under Back squat

WOD - Mon 25th June
A) Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2-8-8 @80-85-90-90-95-65-65% [30:00 Cap] B) For quality: 300m Walking lunge

WOD - Mon 18th June
A) Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3-10-10 @75-80-80-80-85-65-65% [30:00 Cap] B) Teams of 2 For time: 100 Wall balls 9/6 (10’) *Partner hold 150/100#...

WOD - Mon 11th June
Let the gains begin! Our 10 week strength cycle kicks off tomorrow and ICYMI click here for some tips from Mike on how to get the most...

WOD - Mon 4th June
Testing Week! A) 1 Rep Max: Back squat [25:00 Cap] B) 3 sets max unbroken: Ring dip [7:00 Cap]