WOD - Thurs 1st Feb
Metcon: In any order, each for time: Run 1 mile [10 min cap] *Rest 5 min Row 2km [10 min cap] *Rest 5 min “Grace” For time: 30 Clean and...
WOD - Wed 31st Jan
METCON: EMOM for 30: 1st - 15/12 cal Row 2nd - 3 Front squats 92.5/62.5 + 12 Box jump overs 24/20” 3rd - 50’ Sled push 50/30 *Use racks...
WOD - Tues 30th Jan
METCON: 5 Rounds for time: 21 Bar facing burpees 15 Toes to bar 9 Deadlift 125/85 [30 min cap] CONDITIOING: For time: 100/70 cal Assault...
WOD - Mon 29th Jan
A) Muscle-up progression B) “Open Workout 12.4/13.3” AMRAP in 12: 150 Wall balls 9/6 (10/9’) 90 Double unders 30 Muscle-ups
WOD - Sat 27th Jan
Strength: Work to a heavy complex: 1 Snatch balance + 1 Overhead squat *Use racks [15 min cap] Metcon: “18.Zero” 21-15-9 reps: DB snatch...
WOD - Fri 26th Jan
HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY "Big Murph” Teams of 3, For time: 1 mile Run (400m intervals) 100 Chest to bar pull-ups 200 Shoulder to...
WOD - Thurs 25th Jan
Metcon: AMRAP in 7: 12 Deadlift 70/45 9 Hang power clean 70/45 6 Push jerk 70/45 *Rest 3:00 AMRAP in 6: 9 Deadlift 80/50 7 Hang power...
WOD - Wed 24th Jan
“Torian Repeatability Test” 3 Rounds each for time of: 25 cal Row 10 Kettlebell snatch (LH) 24/16 10 Burpee box jumps 24/20” 10...
WOD - Tues 23rd Jan
“Open Workout 16.2” Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of: 25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 15 squat...
WOD - Mon 22nd Jan
Gymnastics: Handstand walk practice Metcon: AMRAP in 20: 400m Run 20 Wall ball 9/6 10’ 10 Power snatch 35/25 Conditioning: 5 Rounds for...