WOD - Fri 1st Feb
Torian CrossFit A) Establish a 1 rep max Clean B) Open Workout 17.5 10 rounds for time of: 9 Thrusters 42.5/30kg 35 Double Unders...
WOD - Thur 31st Jan
Torian CrossFit In 8 minutes: Row 1000 / Bike 2000m 10 Power snatch 62.5/42.5kg 10 Bar facing burpees Max Bar muscle ups Perform 3...
WOD - Wed 30th Jan
Torian CrossFit In 5 minutes: Run 400m Max UB Push-ups Max UB DB hang squat cleans 20kg/15kg Max UB Toes to Bar Max UB DB Push jerks...
WOD - Tue 29th Jan
Torian CrossFit "Fight Gone Bad!" Three rounds of: Wall-ball 9/6kg, 10 ft target (Reps) Sumo deadlift high-pull 35/25kg (Reps) Box Jump,...
WOD - Mon 28th Jan
Torian CrossFit "Ralph" Four rounds for time of: 8 Deadlifts 115kg 16 Burpees 3 Rope climbs, 15ft Run 600m Torian Strength A1) Power...
WOD - Sat 26th Jan
Torian CrossFit Partner "Hotshots 19" 6 rounds for time: 30 Squats (synchro) 19 Power cleans 62.5/42.5kg 7 Strict pull-ups Run 400m...
WOD - Fri 25th Jan
Torian CrossFit For time: 30 Toes to bar 15 Power snatch 62.5/42.5 40 Push-ups 30 Front squats 62.5/42.5 50 Ab mat sit-ups 60...
WOD - Thur 24th Jan
Torian CrossFit “Move it or Lose it V2” 4 Rounds for Reps: AMRAP in 3: 1000/800m Bike OR 500/400m Row 8 Bar muscle-ups Max rep...
WOD - Wed 23rd Jan
Torian CrossFit Team of 2 10 Rounds for time: 3 Rope climbs 15’ 15 Clean and jerk 42.5/30 50 Double unders *Go round for round with...
WOD - Tue 22nd Jan
Torian CrossFit “Fortitude V2” EMOM for 30: 1. 21/18 cal Row 2. 15 Burpees 3. 18/15 cal Bike erg 4. 15 Burpees 5. ...