WOD - Wed 8th August
2 rounds, each for time: 1000m Row / Ski 75 Double unders 50 DB squats 20/15kg 25 Burpees

WOD - Wed 18th July
AMRAP in 25: 5 Muscle-ups 30 Double unders 2 Rope climbs 15’ 30 Double unders 5 Power snatch 62.5/42.5

WOD - Tues 26th June
Bench Press 3-3-3-3-8-8 @80-85-85-90-60-60% [20:00 Cap] B) E3MOM for 9: 100 Double unders + 3 Power clean and jerk @70%

WOD - Tues 29th May
A) Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 *Climbing [25:00 Cap] B) AMRAP in 7: 10 Bar facing burpees 50 Double unders 5 Hang power snatch 62.5/42.5

WOD - Sat 26th May
Team of 3 AMRAP in 25: 5 Power snatch 62.5/42.5 15 Pull-ups 5 Power clean and jerk 62.5/42.5 50 Double unders *Person 1 is performing...

WOD - Tues 8th May
A) Find a heavy double Power snatch *Touch and go [15 min cap] B) 3 Rounds for time: 10 Overhead squats 62.5/42.5 25 Wall balls 9/6 (10’)...

WOD - Thurs 26th April
A) Pistol squat technique and skill work B) AMRAP in 10: 12 Pistols squats 60 double unders

WOD - Wed 11th April
A) Establish a heavy single Snatch (Full) [10 min cap] B) E5MOM for 15: 3 Rounds of: 30 Double unders 3 Snatch (full) @60%

WOD - Mon, 26th March
For time: 100 Double unders 27 Toes to bar 21 Lat bar burpees 15 Power cleans 85/55 100 Double unders 21 Toes to bar 15 Lat bar burpees 9...

WOD - Wed, 14th March
5 Rounds for time: 100 Double unders 15 Pull-ups 15 Box jumps 24/20” 15 One-arm DB clean 20/15 (R/L) [25 min cap]