WOD - Tues 14th August
Torian CrossFit A) Work to a heavy complex of: 1 Push press + 1 Push jerk + 1 Split jerk [15:00 cap] B) 7 rounds for time: 7 Push jerk...

WOD - Sat 28th July
Josie For time, wearing a 20-lb. vest: 1-mile run Then, 3 rounds of: 30 Burpees 4 Power cleans 70/47.5kg 6 Front squats 70/47.5kg Then,...

WOD - Mon 9th April
A) Front squat: 5x3 *Pause :02 on first rep of each set [20 min cap] B) 5 Rounds for time: 10 Thrusters 42.5/30 15 Lat bar burpees [10...

WOD - Mon, 12th March
A) 3x5 Front rack lunge (R/L) *5 each leg, increasing or hold [15 min cap] B) Team of 2: AMRAP in 10: 50 Front squats 62.5/42.5 50...

WOD - Tues 20th Feb
A) Front squat wave: 5 Rounds: 3 reps @60% 2 reps @70% 1 rep @80% *Rest as needed b/t sets and rounds [25 min cap] B) For time: 30 D-Ball...