WOD - Sat 1st September
Reminder: Gym closes at 10am tomorrow! Torian CrossFit “Magic Mile” In teams of 2 For time: 1600m run each *Before every mile the pair...
WOD - Fri 31st August
Torian CrossFit A) Banded deadlift 7x2 *Ascending weight **Score heaviest weight [20:00 Cap] B) AMRAP in 7: 3 D-ball cleans 100/70# 3...
WOD - Thurs 30th August
Torian CrossFit E9MOM for 27: AMRAP in 3: 10 Bench press 85/55 50m Shuttle run 100 Double unders 50m Shuttle run Max shoulder to overhead...
WOD - Wed 29th August
Torian Run 3x1000m with 4mins rest. Meeting at the same place and we'll wrap by 6.50am for those who need to get back to the gym to...
WOD - Tues 28th August
Torian CrossFit A) For Load: 10-8-6-4-2 Power clean *Must go up in weight every set **Must be tap and go off the ground, even a re-grip...
WOD - Mon 27th August
Torian CrossFit EMOM for 32: 1st - 21 Wall balls 9/6 (10ft) 2nd - 18/14 cal Row 3rd - 15 Parallette facing burpees 4th - Rest 5th - 21...
WOD - Sat 25th August
Torian CrossFit Team of 2 or 3 2 Rounds for time: 50 Pull-ups 50 Deadlifts 62.5/42.5 30 Bar facing burpees 30 Push press 62.5/42.5...
WOD - Fri 24th August
Torian CrossFit A) Every :90 for 15: 1 Hang power clean + 2 Front squats + 1 Jerk (any) *Start at 40% of your front squat and increase by...
WOD - Thurs 23rd August
Torian CrossFit 5 Rounds for reps: AMRAP in 2: 2 Rope climbs 15’ 20 Alt DB snatch 20/15 Max cal row Rest 4:00 b/t rounds Score = total...
WOD - Wed 22nd August
Torian Run Every 3 minutes, for 24 minutes: Run 200m Meet Ash at Waterfront Park tomorrow at 6am for our first running class of the...