WOD - Fri 8th Feb
Torian CrossFit
A) Team of 2 AMRAP in 12: 4000m Bike erg 30 Sandbag cleans 150/100# 20 Bar muscle-ups
-Rest 6:00-
B) Team of 2 AMRAP in 12: 2000m Row 30 Devil’s press 2x20/2x15 40 Chest to bar pull-ups
Torian Strength
A1) Bench Press 5, 5, 3, 3, 3+ @70, 75, 80, 85, 90%
A2) Strict Pull-up (supinated) 4 x ME Set
B1) Dip 5 X ME Set
B2) Bent Over DB Row 4 X 10