WOD - Mon 1st July
For all the latest info & updates on the 2019 Torian Pro head to torianpro.com
Torian CrossFit
EMOM for 8:
10/8 cal Bike erg + 3 Thrusters 62.5/42.5
*Rest 3:00
EMOM for 8:
10/8 cal Row + 10 Toes to bar
*Rest 3:00
EMOM for 8:
10 DB power cleans 2x20/2x15 + 3 Burpee box jump overs 30/24”
Torian Strength (New 12 Week Cycle)
Testing Week:
A) Max Pull Up Test B) 1RM Back Squat C) 1RM Bench Press D1) Arnold Press 3 X 10-15 D2) Seated DB Curl Alt. 3 X 10-15 E) Leg Raise3 X 20-25