WOD - Sat 18th August
The countdown is on to the 2018 Torian Pro!
- Team & spectator tickets on sale Friday 24th August from 12pm via crossfittorian.com/torianpro
- RSVP & stay up-to-date via the Facebook event page
Torian CrossFit
In teams of 2,
For time:
50 DB snatch 20/15kg
30 Burpees
Run 1 mile
10 Rope climbs
Run 1 mile
30 Burpees
50 DB snatch 20/15kg
All movements performed synchro except rope climbs.
Torian Gymnastics 8am
Conditioning Circuit (30 secs work & 30 secs rest)
1. Bar tuck-ups
2. 50/50 assisted muscle-ups
3. Planche plate press
4. Parallete tricep dips
5. Chin-ups / ring rows
6. Long jump leaps
7. Slider drags
8. Dragon flag lifts
9. Bucket circles / 360 plank walks
10. Hamstring curl variation
[40 minute Cap]
Torian Recovery 9am