WOD - Tues 9th Oct
Torian CrossFit EMOM for 32: 18/14 cal Assault bike 15/12 cal Row 12/10 cal Ski 9 Overhead squats 62.5/42.5 6 Muscle-ups 3 Rope climbs...
WOD - Mon 8th Oct
Torian Strength A1) Back Squat 3, 3, 2, 2, 2 @ 75, 75, 80, 85, 90% A2) Bent over BB rows 4 X 10 B1) Dip 5 X 10 B2) Prone YTW Complex...
WOD - Sat 5th Oct
Reminder: Torian Summit, Sunday 9am! Click here for all the details and RSVP Torian CrossFit Teams of 2 or 3 3 Rounds each for time: 60...
WOD - Fri 5th Oct
Torian CrossFit Team of 3 or 4 For time: 3000m Row *Rotate every :30 [12:00 Cap] *At 15:00 For time: 3000m Ski *Rotate every :30 [12:00...
WOD - Thurs 3rd Oct
Torian CrossFit A) 3-3-3-2-2-1 Overhead squat *From the rack [20:00 cap] B) For time: 9-7-5 Bar muscle-ups Overhead squats 62.5/42.5...
WOD - Wed 3rd October
Torian Run 2 x 2000m. 5mins rest. Torian CrossFit 3 Rounds each for time: 21-15-9 Hang power cleans 52.5/35 Box jumps 24/20” *New round...
WOD - Tues 2nd October
Torian CrossFit Front squat + Push press 10x10+10 @30-40% of Front squat *10 Front squat + 10 Push press [25:00 Cap] B) “Karen” ...